Trying to get an investigation into Barrie Housing has proven to be no easy task. Did you know I've been trying for exactly six months to get someone in authority to take my allegations seriously, let alone look into my claims against Barrie Housing and the County of Simcoe.
Yes, I've been trying to get an investigation launched into Barrie Housing since mid-June 2024 and still, nothing has happened.
On June 25, 2024, I submitted a complaint to Service Barrie and asked them for the audit / review documents on my housing account file from 2022. But they told me to contact Barrie Housing directly for my accounting records, despite Barrie Housing's refusal to provide them.
On August 20, 2024, the Ontario Provincial Police told me by email, that they are unable to become involved in matters in another police service’s jurisdiction, unless asked to do so by that service. They then directed me to contact the Barrie Police Service (which I did, and have provided their response further down below). This same day, Ontario Ombudsman Paige McWilliams told me they don’t have jurisdiction over Barrie Housing because of the way they’re structured.
On October 1, 2024, Jamie Zohr, Police Constable #6056 of the Operational Services - Alternate Response Unit (ARU) responded to my online complaint submitted, with Barrie Police Service Summary Incident Report #CL24004171, stating, “This is a civil matter and you need to seek advice from a lawyer. Police are not allowed to become involved in civil disputes… no further actions required at this time. This file can be closed…”
I’m not able to afford legal counsel.
I regularly contact Pro Bono Ontario for legal assistance regarding my legal materials. They’re only able to provide half-hour at a time, and they’re not able to consistently help (its the rules). Legal Aid Ontario isn’t able to help me either. The local community legal clinic is not interested in helping whatsoever, and the other clinics not in my area say they can’t help because I’m not in their area.
On October 3, 2024, I spoke to Ontario Ombudsman Grace Suwondo on the phone, and she basically confirmed there’s nothing they can do. On October 31, 2024, Ontario Ombudsman Maria Castro emailed me to tell me that my concerns regarding Barrie Housing were referred to their general unit, who does have jurisdiction over Barrie Housing. On November 11, 2024, I spoke with Ontario Ombudsman Nicole Plotkin, who said they’re not able to get involved, and even if they could, they don’t have the authority to compel Barrie Housing to do anything.
On October 29, 2024, the head of the County of Simcoe’s Legal Department, Zarah Walpole told me they don’t get involved in disputes between private parties. They also told me that they’ve delegated their responsibilities to Barrie Housing, despite the Housing Services Act, 2011, c. 6, Sched. 1, s. 17 (5) stating that a service manager remains responsible for the exercise or performance of any delegated powers or duties.
I asked the Ontario Human Rights Commission to intervene as a party in my HRTO matter and on November 1, 2024 they denied my request.
On November 13, 2024, I heard back from the Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada and Administrative Assistant, Communications Gaye Bissett told me they don’t have any regulatory power over Barrie Housing.
Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing
I emailed the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Paul Calandra and asked him to intervene with Justice V.V. Christie's Endorsement ordering me to pay Barrie Housing's motion costs but on November 15, 2024, the Community Housing Policy Branch at the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing responded saying that to preserve the independence of the courts, government officials are not permitted to interefere in, or comment on court processes or decisions.
I immediately responded and pointed out section 23 (1) and (5) of the Housing Services Act:
The Housing Services Act, 2011, c. 6, Sched. 1, s. 23 (1), if, in the opinion of the Minister, a service manager has contravened a provision of this Act or the regulations, the Minister may exercise the following remedies:
3. The Minister may apply to a judge of the Superior Court of Justice for an order,
i. directing the service manager to carry out a specified activity or course of action to rectify the contravention or to ensure future compliance, or
ii. prohibiting the service manager from carrying out a specified activity or course of action that would result in, or would be likely to result in, the continuation or repetition of the contravention.
The Housing Services Act further states;
(5) If the Minister applies to a judge of the Superior Court of Justice under paragraph 3 of subsection (1), the Court may make the order or any other order it considers reasonable. 2011, c. 6, Sched. 1, s. 23 (5).
But the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing did not respond again.
I've emailed more MP's and MPP's then I can count, and many of them responded saying that I need to reach out to the Office of Doug Downey. So I asked Doug Downey's Office if they could assist and they told me:

I then asked if his Office could ask the Office of the Auditor General to conduct an investigation into Barrie Housing for me. And Doug Downey's Office replied, saying:
"...You may wish to contact the office of the City of Barrie Integrity Commissioner, as this remains a municipal matter."
So I submitted a complaint to them as well, and when I didnt hear back, I called them and that's when they told me they don't have jurisdiction to investigate Barrie Housing either.
On December 20, 2024, the Office of the Auditor General of Ontario responded to my submitted complaint seeking an investigation. In their response, they stated:
"Please note that municipal operations of Barrie are under the jurisdiction of the City of Barrie and it is not within our purview to conduct an investigation of Barrie Housing."
So on December 26, 2024, I emailed all the City of Barrie Counsellors and the Office of the Mayor:
I included this attachment as well:
And then I submitted a request to do an open delegation to the Finance and Responsible Governance Committee, for January 15, 2024 at Council Chambers in Barrie, Ontario.
If Barrie Housing wasn't hiding anything, why wouldn't they just give me the financial breakdown I've been trying to get for six months now, especially since Mary-Anne Denny-Lusk already told me she'd give me one.
If you know of an agency with the authority to launch an investigation into Barrie Housing, can you ask them for us? Or can you let me know please? Feel free to email me at: leah.dyck@icloud.com.
Thank you for any assistance anyone may be able to provide.
Leah Dyck
Social Justice Advocate