I finally have some good news. My request for an urgent motion hearing for my Notice of Application for Leave to commence a derivative action against the Barrie Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation (BMNPHC), also known as “Barrie Housing” was granted. My notice for leave will now be heard at the Barrie courthouse (via video conference) on February 4, 2025.

To be honest, I feel like I need to thank Justice M. McKelvey for this (although he may have had nothing to do with it). I originally asked for an urgent hearing date on December 18, 2024. Then I had my Motion to Dismiss the defamation action launched against me by Barrie Housing scheduled to be heard on December 31, 2024. Although it still needs to be rescheduled (due to time constraints on Dec. 31st), the Barrie courthouse trial coordinator emailed me on January 2, 2025 and asked me if I was still looking to have my Notice of Application for Leave to commence a derivative action heard before April 8, 2025. Of course, I immediately told her, yes!
I definitely am still hoping it can be heard as soon as possible!
Since the motion materials needed to be amended with the new hearing date, I revised them all:
I created a new financial breakdown in a format that was easier to read;
I updated "my version" of the financial breakdown with my tenant ledger from 2016;
I heard back from my ODSP case worker who answered some questions I had regarding my ODSP ledger (because they have nothing to hide);
I added some clauses explaining why I included issues personal to my situation, which are likely not relevant to the proposed derivative action but were included to demonstrate Barrie Housing’s obsession to control and coerce; and
I included the County of Simcoe’s “review” on my rental calculations to show the court that the County is helping Barrie Housing cover-up its fraud.
Facebook Group Comment Thread
When I first posted about this on Facebook, a group member in one of the political FB groups I’m in made some comments on it. Although he wasn’t very nice at first, I think the conversation we had is interesting, and may help answer some questions the readers may have with this:

If you’re interested in reading my legal materials, you can view and download them on the ‘Fraud page’ and scroll down all the way to the bottom where it says ‘Derivative Action’.
Joseph & The Coat of Many Colours
Lately I’ve been feeling like Joseph in the book of Genesis (37-50) in the Old Testament in the bible. Joseph was one of Jacob’s sons, and Jacob gave Joseph a “coat of many colours”. Joseph’s brothers were so envious and jealous, they seized him, sold him into slavery and told their father an animal killed him.
Although I’m not hated by envious and jealous brothers, I am hated by envious and jealous public housing and County of Simcoe staff; particularly Mary-Anne Denny-Lusk, Barrie Housing’s CEO.
If you go back and listen to the recorded phone call between myself and Mary-Anne from April 26, 2022, which can be found on the ‘Fraud’ page, you’d be reminded that I told her Barrie Nissan already agreed to be the title sponsor for a $10K sponsorship event I had been planning (this event never ended up happening btw). And on June 29, 2021, I emailed Mary-Anne after she called me and offered to let me use my building’s common room for Fresh Food Weekly. At the bottom of this email, you’ll see that Craig Russel, the owner of Pachamama Corp., who donates all the backpacks with school supplies each year to all the public housing buildings, said he was interested in getting involved with my initiative that upcoming fall:

And then, throughout 2022 and 2023, I “competed” against other local charities for charitable monetary awards and each time I did that, I never lost:
Guys That Give, Sept. 8, 2022, $10K
100 Men Who Give a Damn - Innisfil, Dec. 1, 2022, $2,700
100 Women Who Care - South Simcoe, Feb. 23, 2023, $1,100
Ripple of Kindness, September 2023, $32K
I know I sound arrogant by saying this, and that's definitely not my intention!

With each of these charitable organizations listed above, I had to be nominated in order to be voted for. Only members of the organization could nominate someone.
With the first three organizations, myself and two other charities had to “pitch” our charity to a room full of the organization’s members. We each had five minutes to speak and explain what we’d do with the money if we’d won. With Ripple of Kindness (ROK), each competing charity had to write a short paragraph saying the same thing. I think there were around 22 charities nominated for the September 2023 round of funding for ROK. Then all the group members voted online.
The reason I always won these things is not because I’m a great speaker. I’m not. I honestly believe its because a) Fresh Food Weekly was a great program and there was nothing else out there like it, and food insecurity is a serious problem that’s affecting a significant portion of the population… everywhere and its constantly in the news, and b) God gave me favour.
I also think God gave me favour when Tempo Flexible Packaging donated +11,000 custom-designed delivery bags to Fresh Food Weekly:
Like, how many other charities do you know with this kind of winning streak!? Again, I know I sound very arrogant when I say this and I don't mean to be, but somebody needs to speak up for me, so I'm speaking up for myself.
Why did the winning stop then?
That’s a good question. And I intend to find out through the judicial system.
I truly believe that I'm supposed to commence a derivative action against Barrie Housing and I think God gave me the brains to figure out how to do it. Admittedly, I wish he gave me the money to hire a lawyer to do it instead but God loves to show his glory through the weak, which is what I am.
Stay tuned to find out how it goes on Febuary 4, 2025.
wow feb 4 is the date they messed up my life taking away my subsidy without telling me till i was 2 months in arrears and feb 5 they filed the n4 i wasnt aware of till june when i requested they file one for housing retention. its really sad that it took me 13 years to escape human trafficking thinking housing would be a safe alternative. At least when i was in that abusive situation i was never worried about having food or a roof over my head. instead i had the system steal my home by tricking me and my anti socialness caused me to have to move into the backyard of my childhood abuser in an uninsulate…